Otome Games

Schwarz ~ Lotte’s Forest Walkthrough

Schwarz’s story is that of Beauty and the Beast. It was story that I loved growing up, so I absolutely had to do his route first. If you want a quick recap of the game’s prologue click here.

As the game does not tell you how many points you get for each answer, do not take my answers as gospel. I will be recording my answers but only know how well I’ve been doing once I get to a scenario point. I’ll update with what points show up at the scenario point! I always appreciate help so if you know the best answer please comment down below!

Update: I’ve bolded the answers I thinkgave low affection!

Walkthrough – Take 2!

  • Walkthrough – Bad Ending (58/100)

    Thank you Alejandra!

    • ….why am I feeling this way…
    • Couldn’t’ move from where I stand
    • Thought I love this place
    • I thought it was beautiful
    • Stared at him
    • Stay like this for a while
    • I came from a different world
    • I just can’t leave you alone…
    • I’m not going to run away
    • I hope you return to being human soon
    • Maybe he felt sad
    • You think it doesn’t suit me?
    • ….thank you
    • I’m glad…
    • Strongly shook his hand
    • Thought it was beautiful
    • Why would you say that…?
    • I’m here for you
    • You’ll come to understand
    • I won’t leave you alone

    = 58/100 affection points

    kofi4If you’d like to buy me a coffee, it’d be much appreciated it, a lot of time and energy is spent on writing posts and walkthroughs. By donating to Two Happy Cats, you’ll help the process!

    10 thoughts on “Schwarz ~ Lotte’s Forest Walkthrough

    1. Uh, I didn’t know if this helps but you can press menú, then status and slide download to ser the ‘Romance points’. Anyways, thank you for start with historia route! ^^

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hiya I went there but all I could see was the romance bar? I couldn’t see romance points 😦 I’m using an iPhone is that makes any difference? Thank you for your help, I’m not very used to Abracadabra games >_<!


    2. Instead of saying “I came from another world” I said “I don’t know who I am” that gave me increased affection 😊


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