Otome Games

Burning Heart ~ Chiba Junpei Walkthrough

Hey hey! This may be my last post before I have a break for Christmas. Burning heart is an otome game by Accelea, it follows an MC who is a newbie fire fighter. 10 years ago MC’s parents died in a fire. There are currently 3 romaceable options, with more coming in February!

1 story ticket is recovered every 3 hours. I can tell that this game is going to take me forever to get through – there’s 27 chapters and who knows how many tickets are used/ chapter! As always, if you know the best answers comment down below. I write these walkthroughs with the hope of them being a collaborative effort with the otome community.

Muto’s walkthrough here and Hori’s walkthrough here!Chiba Junpei Burning Heart

Walkthrough Removed!

Hello everyone. It was recently brought to my attention that Accela does not allow for walkthroughs to be published for their games. Accela has NOT contacted me about these walkthroughs, but I thought it would be best to delete them as a show of integrity. I will be contacting Accela to see if their ban still remains (as they made the below post in February 2017). Thank you Ai, Shadow and Mahindra for helping me with this walkthrough, I’m really sad to see it go 😦


Accela otome no walkthroughs part 1

Accela Otome no walkthroughs part 2


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