
New Beginnings – Q2 2021 Check In

It’s been nearly two months since my last post on this blog. Sorry for the impromptu hiatus. My dad had spinal surgery and helping him through recovery and physical rehab sent me in a spin mentally. But I hope that everyone has been well. 

Personal Stuff

In my last check in I discussed some health issues I was having and those have mostly subsided which is fantastic. I still get a twinge or a bad cramp now and then, but not nearly as bad as it was before. At the moment my main goal is to loose some weight. I’m about 10kgs heavier than I should be. I’ve been trying to loose weight for a while and I tend to give up when I don’t see results quickly. But I did loose about 5kg last year and have managed to keep it off, so I know it can be done. 

anime workout

Perhaps the most surprising thing to happen to me is that I found a new job. On my last day of work I actually got a call from a talent pool I had been part of and received an offer for a 1 year role in a government policy writer position. I was lucky that my new manager allowed me to have a 3 week break before starting my role as I was absolutely burnt out from my previous job and I started late April. 

So far the role has been fantastic. I’m getting paid a bit more (and get sick leave as at my old job I was just a casual!). The workload is also significantly more manageable and, best yet, I get to work from home except one day a week in the office! It’s honestly such a world of difference. I haven’t been yelled at, or sent any rude emails. Actually looking back at my old role I’m just horrified at how I withstood it for so long. 

Work anime girl

Perhaps my only issue is that I feel like my old role did such a hit to my self confidence I’m having a bit of trouble talking at work. So I’m trying to rebuild myself step by step. 

What I’ve been reading/watching

I’ve been watching a bit of everything recently. I recently finished the US dramas Clarice and Tell me Your Secrets. But also became obsessed with two Chinese dramas, The Untamed and Word of Honor. 

I ended up dropping Shadow House, as you’ll note by my episode reviews mysteriously disappearing. I may watch it all now that the season is finished but probably won’t write a review. I did end up watching Record of Ragnarok which was super disappointing and My Life as a Villainess which I kinda loved. 

My next life as a villainess catarina

I’ve actually been reading a lot of manga on the Shonen Jump app recently. I got up to date with Jujutsu Kaisen and, after seeing yet another spoiler for Demon Slayer just bit the bullet and read the whole manga. I won’t give spoilers for either, but I had a lot of fun reading them. Something about Demon Slayer  just gets me so emotional when I read it. 

Other Hobbies

I’ve continued gardening, but unfortunately it’s winter in Australia right now so a lot of plants have stopped growing. I haven’t kept up with the mindfulness as much as I should have. But I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts, specifically true crime or paranormal ones. Funnily enough I love listening to podcasts about possessions and hauntings but find ones about UFO sightings boring. Maybe I just need to find the right hosts…

Some Blogging Changes

As I briefly mentioned above, my mental health has been taken for a bit of a spin the last two months. As such I am trying to take things slow, and have decided to continue to pull back from my blog. I will be reviewing the Higurashi Sotsu episodes fortnightly as I love sharing my ramblings. But I don’t think I will be posting anything else here unless it particularly interests me. To be honest, I’ve actually played with the idea of giving up blogging for good. But I’ll see how I go.

Till Next Time~!

8 thoughts on “New Beginnings – Q2 2021 Check In

  1. Hey! I hope your dad feels better soon but so glad to hear that your health and work have taken a turn for the better since your last check in! Mental health is no joke, please be kind to yourself and take all the time you need. It’ll be sad to see you go, if you do decide to stop blogging for good, but it’s most important to take care of yourself first – and you never know, you might feel revitalised to write once you’re in a better place. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to reading what you do post! 😊

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    1. Thank you ♥️! I really appreciate it ☺️ It’s really blown my mind how much of an impact my previous work place had on me. I kinda feel like I was running on adrenaline and then when I stopped working there everything I was barely holding together came apart. I hope you’ve had a good last few months and all the best for the rest of the year 😄

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      1. Yes, I completely get what you’re saying. Sometimes the aftermath is incredibly and unexpectedly draining! Thanks – this year overall has been good to me and I’m so happy things have essentially opened up where I am. Good luck to you as well 😄

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