
KuroSamaReviews 1 Year Birthday (Blogiversary)!

Pokemon party hats

Woot! Put your party hats on, it’s the one year birthday of Kurosamareviews~!

Wow I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for a year. In some ways it seems like it went in a blink of an eye, and other ways it was an incredibly long time. I’ve enjoyed my year on WordPress heaps, I’ve made some great blogger friends who continue to encourage and support me. I’ve also learnt a lot about myself and my writing style.

Why I Started Blogging

I realise that I never really addressed this before, but it’s kind of a long story. So I’m currently 21, going on 22. When I was 15-18 (in high school ) I had a really terrible group of friends, something I’ve mentioned a few times in posts.What I didn’t mention was that when I got to University, because of my experience with this group, I became very withdrawn and shy. Throughout my 3.5 years in University I barely made any friends, in fact I actually started cutting people out of my life because I found them overwhelming.

This time last year I was feeling incredibly depressed and lonely. That’s when I a friend mentioned that another friend of hers had begun food blogging in Sydney on WordPress. I was intrigued, looked at her account and kind of fell in love with WordPress. I quickly made an account and started on my first post. When I received my first ever comment from Takuto, and first follower Arria,  I was so excited! It really encouraged me to continue blogging and while my situation hasn’t changed much, I feel a great amount of support from the blogging community.

What’s Changed Over The Year

When I looked at writing this post, I went all the way back to my first review, Legend of Korra, and was amazed at how different my writing style has changed. I feel at the beginning my writing was very formal, coming from a Psychology background I was used to analytical and scientific writing. I’m glad that over the year my reviews and posts have become a little bit more informal, and I’ve had the chance to show my personality a bit more. Although, I’m still working on it – I’m still a little withdrawn and hesitant about what I write sometimes.


The major change with my blog was the introduction of ‘Two Happy Cats’ branding.  Originally KuroSamaReviews was a blog about everything and anything that I liked. I wrote about films, anime and even adventures I went on. But when I thought of TwoHappyCats, I decided to separate these.

KuroSamaReviews is now purely an anime and manga blog (with the odd film review) and I created another blog MerryAdventuresBlog for my travels and adventures around Sydney. The idea for MerryAdventuresBlog actually came from another blogger, Lovely. This also gave me the chance to have one blog named after each of my cats 🙂

A small minor change that I’ve also introduced are my ‘Freaky Friday’ posts. They are usually focused on a horror anime, manga, comic, film or tv show that I’ve watched or read. To be honest they’re mostly just something horror related. I’ve been trying to write at least 2 posts a week, which has been going well so far. There was about a two month period where I didn’t write for weeks at a time 😦

Hopes For The Future

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I’m definitely hoping to continue blogging for as long a I can. I really enjoying having my two blogs, so I’m going to make sure I post of each of them at least weekly. I’m also going to try to expand KuroSamaReviews – reviewing another kinds of anime and manga. I’ve created a MAL account, you can add me here! I’ve also added a Blog Roll page, I’ve already added some really awesome blogs that I’ve enjoyed- please check them out! if you would like to be added just comment down below and we can swap links 🙂  

For me personally, I’m actually looking at postgraduate courses in Melbourne. I currently live in Sydney so it would mean that I’d have to move down. I’m quite excited for it, I’m hoping that this fresh start will help me make some new friends and become more confident in myself. I’ll also be taking one of my cats down with me 🙂

Thank you everyone for a really amazing year. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my posts!

If you have any suggestions or comments about KuroSamaReviews, please let me know down below!

40 thoughts on “KuroSamaReviews 1 Year Birthday (Blogiversary)!

  1. Congrats. I was sort of the same way, not really any friends and became withdrawn and more shy than I was in high school. But after starting to blog I opened up more. Either way here is to hopefully more years to come.
    Also good luck with Post-Grad.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It certainly is a learning experience, I been doing it for over a year and a half and I am still learning.

        Also if you would like I could add you to my blog roll and you could add me to yours. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahhhhhhh! Congratulations on your Anniversary!!! Here’s to many more anniversaries Blog Twin!!

    Thanks so much for sharing your story with us and I can definitely relate to the high school drama! If you ever feel down, your online buddies are here to cheer you up!!!😁

    Also, I’d love to exchange blogroll links with you!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Happy 1 year Anniversary.
      This sounds awful you had a bad experience. At least you were able to find your place here and overcome shyness. When I started blogging, I was really afraid to interact people. It wasn’t until I came across Arria and her blog. Her and Takuto are amazing friends to have. I hope you keep on writing. We will be here to support you. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Happy 1st ever Blog Anniversary! I had no idea until now that I was your very 1st follower. I’m so delighted to hear that. Anyway, I’m glag that you’re enjoying yourself with the rest of us crazy people here at the WordPress aniblogging community. Here’s to another year of blogging together. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on 1 year and glad you’ve enjoyed yourself. I am also finding that blogging has been a really positive experience and I’ve loved meeting so many other anime enthusiasts. Looking forward to reading future posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats kurosama! I am glad that you become my friend ,…. I am also glad that I was able to help you in my suggestion and that makes your merryadventures blog. When I go back to instagram I will definitely like your posts there… ❤

    Always remember my support is here. Forever and Always..

    Your Lovely Blogger Friend… ^o^~ Let's keep Blogging… ❤ xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We’re even friends on LINE now! yay~ Yes, we will. Actually, I am on hiatus now.. I just make time to visit my blog for a short time. hihi.. I’ll be more active again on october! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I only congratulated you on Twitter and totally forgot to comment here /smh at myself
    Congrats on your first year of blogging and may you have way more because I love all your posts! <3333 ☆*。★゚*♪ヾ(☆ゝз・)ノ

    I really feel you, all my life all my RL friends were douchebags or just wanted me for their gains, so even now I can't much say I have RL friends. I'm super wary and even when I made a few friends a few years ago I was just the supplement in case the other girl wasn't there. So meh, I like my online friends way better, because ya'll super supportive and actually legitimately nice without ulterior motives!

    I'mma add you on MAL, my nick is the same as here and Twitter~
    Ahh, I you've added me to your blogroll OHMYLIFE I was just gonna ask you to add me THANKS SO MUCH HNNNG
    I'm definitely adding you to my blogroll too <33 I hadn't yet because I'm a slacker :'D

    Liked by 1 person

  7. AHHHH i can’t believe I missed this post god. dam it I follow to many bloggers now and miss things like this !! maybe be late but HAPPY ONE YEAR !! I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you and love following your blog a lot will be BLOGGER FRIENDS FOREVER MUAHH !!

    Liked by 1 person

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